
First Response and Emergency Care – Component 2

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Title: First Response and Emergency Care – Component 2
Published/Last Updated: August 2022
Total Pages (Pdf file): 20
Word Count (Excluding Exec Summary, references. Note: Including the questions): Approx 3800 words
References/ Links to sources: Included
Paper Type: Question-Answer/Revision notes
Language: UK English
File Type: PDF
Download Limit: Unlimited
Download Link Expiry: 60 Days

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This paper attempts to answer several first response and emergency care (emergency and trauma care (Component 2) questions. There are 23 main questions in the paper, some of them having multiple components. Here are some of the questions it attempts to answer:

Q. Briefly explain the functions of the following components of the respiratory system: lung, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, parietal pleura, visceral pleura, and pleural cavity. 

Q. Explain the ‘cycle of breathing’

Q. Define “elasticity” and explain the effects it has on the lungs when reduced.

Q. A man has been hit by a car and you have been called to attend to him. He seems to be unconscious. His breathing is fast and shallow and he has a weak radial pulse. Your inspection of the casualty reveals that the left side of his chest is not rising and falling equally. There is no sign of catastrophic haemorrhage, his circulation is compromised, and there is a snoring sound emanating from his airway. Suggest a treatment plan for the casualty.

Q. You have been called to attend to a female patient who seems to have been sexually assaulted. Briefly discuss the considerations needed to care for the patient. In your discussion, ensure to touch on the following issues: the assessment of time critical injuries, forensic considerations, approach towards the patient, communications with the patient, patient’s wishes with regard to contacting the police, and care pathways (Sexual Assault Referral Centre).

Q. What are the roles of the following crew members when attending to a major incident: attendant, driver, first crew on scene, and first responder on scene?

Here is a sample of the questions it attempts to answer. 


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