First Response and Emergency Care – Component 3 – Revision Questions. This revision paper attempts to answer the following and other emergency care and first response questions (a total of 14 questions, some of them with multiple components):
- Describe the physical and psychosocial development of a child, focusing on the body parts: Brain and nervous system, head, heart, chest and lungs, communication.
- Provide the ranges for normal respiratory rates and normal heart rates for children
Age- Respiratory rage
Age- Heart rate range (from deep sleep to awake)
- From the following list of common childhood illnesses, summarize and describe three illnesses and their recognition features: Bronchiolitis • Croup • Viral wheeze •Epiglottitis
- Explain each component of the paediatric assessment triangle.
- Name and define four complications of childbirth
Here are some of the questions the paper attempts to answer.
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