
Why Some Multinationals Do Not to Give Serious Consideration to Female Candidates for Managerial Positions


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This sample paper answers the question: Solved: ‘Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the need for relation-oriented skills in their global endeavours. Female managers working for Western companies, for example, could generally be regarded as potentially effective managers in say, Asia because of their person-oriented leadership skills. The consideration women show others, as well as their ability to empathise, are features that are said to be held in high esteem in that part of the world. Why do you think that some multinationals nevertheless tend not to give serious consideration to female candidates for managerial positions in, for example, the Middle East?’ (Browaeys and Price 2015, p. 233). Critically discuss, referring to relevant research and supporting your answer with examples from international business. Note: Does not include a personal reflection. Here is a preview of the paper


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Title: Why Some Multinationals Do Not to Give Serious Consideration to Female Candidates for Managerial Positions
Published/Last Updated: 2018
Total Pages: 10
Word Count (Excluding Exec Summary, references): Approx 2,300 words
References: Included
Paper Type: Research Paper Example
File Type: PDF
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