Migrant Remittances and its Determinants and Effects on Pakistan
Migrant remittances are recognised as an important source of foreign capital especially to developing countries such as Pakistan. Remittance inflows to Pakistan as a ratio of the country’s GDP has generally grown from 2000 to 2021. So far, studies have found different and conflicting results with regard to the determinants and effects of migrant remittances. With only few such studies having been conducted in Pakistan, the present study aimed to determine the determinants of remittances to Pakistan and the influence of remittances on the GDP growth and poverty rate in Pakistan. Data relating to 20 countries that have consistently been the highest sources of remittances to Pakistan for five specific years (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, and 2021). and time series data relating to Pakistan from 2000 to 2021 were drawn from World Bank Open Data database and the KNOMAD database. Data was analysed statistically to determine correlation coefficients and to develop gravity models. … The study recommended that Pakistan puts in place policies and measures to make remittance transactions faster and more affordable as a way of encouraging remittance transfers and consequently lowering the poverty rate in the country. The study also recommended that Pakistan encourage its citizens to migrate to countries with higher GDP rather than those with lower GDP as a measure towards improving remittances. Key word: Migrant remittances determinants and effects.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
Statistics from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) (2011) show that from the year 1999, formal remittance inflows to Pakistan have consistently been on the rise. While in 2000 the remittance inflows to the country was estimated at $1.075, billion, in 2010, the statistic had risen to $9.683 billion. Consistent with these statistics, records from the World Bank (2023a) show that personal remittances to Pakistan as a percentage of GDP has generally been growing from 2000 to 2022. While in 2000, personal remittances to the country represented 1.3% of the country’s GDP, in 2001, it accounted for continue reading ...